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Qualification FAQs
Introductory Exams (Solo / Group)
How do I find the set pieces for each exam?
What syllabi will I need for this exam?
How much of the Group Introductory Set poem must be spoken in unison by the group?
For Solo Introductory Stage 3, does the book have to be fictional?
Acting (Solo / Duo / Combined)
What is the difference between a Duo and Combined Acting Exam?
Can I choose an own choice piece from a play/screenplay set in the current LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 4?
Is the use of accents allowed?
The use of adaptions / translations for Acting Exams.
Are full costume and props allowed?
View all 36
Devising Drama
Am I allowed to make notes during the Improvisation preparation?
My students have chosen song lyrics for their stimulus. Do they need to use all the lyrics in the song, just some of them, or is it the title they are devising their scene around?
Do Learners need to announce the theme and title of their piece(s)?
Can I use music / sound effects during my scene?
For Devising Drama do learners need to provide copies of their scripts?
View all 7
Who can operate the music in a Mime Exam?
Speaking Verse & Prose
Can we use pieces from previous anthologies?
Can we use pieces by "Anon" authors?
Can we use plays / novels / screenplays that feature in the current anthology if the piece chosen is different?
How is the Sight Reading done?
Do I need to have read the whole book / novel?
View all 12
Speaking in Public
Can I use Powerpoint for my visual aids
What happens during the impromptu? Can I use the internet, is there a clock?
What LAMDA’s stance on Chat GPT / A.I?
What do you mean by Ethical, Political and Cultural?
Do you have a list or some guidelines as to what Impromptu topics could be so I can help my students prepare?
View all 15
Reading for Peformance
In Reading for Performance can the pieces be from non fiction?
In Reading for Performance can edits be made to verse pieces?
Should the Learners choose two or three contrasting pieces to read?
Musical Theatre Exams (Solo / Duo)
Why are backing vocals not permitted on a backing track?
Can my song include a rap?
Which dates are used for pieces taken from Jukebox Musicals?
Can we use pieces by the same composer etc. but for different time periods?
What do you mean by "spoken text"? Is this in the song or between songs?
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Group Exams
Where can I find scripts that may be suitable for Group Acting Exams?
What should the size of the group be?
In Group Exams can learners play multiple roles?
Is my own choice piece suitable for LAMDA exams?
For Group Musical Theatre what do you mean by at least one song must be sung by the full chorus?
Shakespeare Exams
Which plays can I choose as an Own Choice Piece?
Can I do a Duo Shakespeare exam?
How should my learner deliver a sonnet?
How to find the set pieces for each exam?
What syllabi will I need for the Shakespeare exams?
PCertLAM (Level 3 Certificate in Speech and Drama: Peformance Studies)
How long do I have to complete a PCertLam?
What order can I do my PCertLam in?
Can I use pieces in my PCertLam that feature as set pieces in other LAMDA Exam subjects and anthologies?
With UCAS points for Level 3 Exams: If a student does all three grades do they then accumulate UCAS points by adding each of these up? Or do they only receive them for Grade 8?
How do I add my LAMDA exam to my UCAS application?
Are LAMDA exams are only for UK university entry?
Do UCAS points expire?
When do I need to have taken my exam by to ensure they will support my UCAS application?
Qualifications - Other
Can learners play different genders?
What are the direct GCSE level comparisons?
Can my learner use a toy weapon?
Can you confirm the piece is suitable?
Can you tell me the suitable age range for each exam?
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