Using the LAMDA Oracle, you can now contact the LAMDA Exams team best suited to handle your query.
Clicking "New Support Ticket" in the top right corner next to the Search Bar and choosing the Contact Form that relates to you query, will ensure that we can help you and resolve everything as quickly as possible.
The information provided below will help you in making sure you choose the right contact form and know where to find the relevant information.
Important: For Data Protection and Safeguarding reasons, LAMDA will only communicate with the following contacts:
- UK Private Centre: Registered Centre Coordinator & Head of Centre
- International Private Centre: Registered Centre Coordinator & Head of Centre
- Public Centre: The listed Correspondence Contact entered on the Learner Entry Form
- IMPORTANT: LAMDA understands that for some Public Center entries, a Learner's Teacher may complete the form on behalf of the Parents / Guardians. However, if the Parent / Guardian are not listed as the designated Correspondence Contacts for that entry, LAMDA cannot provide any information relating to those entries.
Which contact form should I choose?
Customer Services, Complaints & Appeals - Use this form to contact LAMDA for:
- Centre Registrations, administration and change of Centre personnel (HoC / CC / FC)
- Informal and Formal Complaints
- Positive and negative Feedback
- Enquiry about Results (EAR) and Appeal Application submission
- Learner I.D Special Condition Applications
- General enquiries about LAMDA Examinations
Date Booking Queries (UK Private Centres Only) - This form is for registered UK Private Centres Only wish to contact LAMDA regarding:
- Face-to-Face (F2F) and Remote Online Assessment (ROA) Date Booking Requests
- Either to check availability of dates, or the progress of a submitted booking request
- Changes that you wish to make to an existing date booking or date booking request
Registered UK Private Centres - This form is for registered UK Private Centre's who have a confirmed examination event and wish to discuss:
- Any changes to the schedule such as
- Change of start time
- Change order of the timetable
- Update Learner information (name spelling etc)
UK & ROA Public Centres - This form UK and International Customers who are looking to enter / have entered Learners for any of our F2F or ROA Public Centre Events:
- Entry Query
- Checking availability or checking the progress of an entry form
- Public Scheduling Query
- Any information relating to your entry that may affect / impact the scheduling of the event
- Submitting Own Choice Pieces
- Please attached copies of the Own Choice Pieces to the email and give the Learner Name in Subject line
International Centre & Remote Online Event Scheduling - This form is for:
- UK and International Customers wishing to book a Remote Online Assessment Event
- International Customers wishing to discuss / book Face to Face assessments
- International Customers who require the LAMDA fees list in their currency
Qualifications, Reasonable Adjustments (RAs), Special Considerations - Use this form for queries relating to:
- LAMDA Examinations qualifications and syllabus specifications
- other LAMDA Publications (Anthologies, Knowledge Matters etc)
- Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Applications
- Checking about application requirements or progress of an application
- Updating existing Reasonable Adjustment applications
Maladministration, Malpractice & Safeguarding - Use this form to report any concerns in relation to Maladministration, Malpractice or Safeguarding
Certificates & Medals - Use this form if you have questions regarding:
- Missing Certificates or Medals from your most recent results
- Replacement / Duplicate Certificates or Letters of Attestations
- Results Transcripts
Finance & Exam payment - Use this form for queries regarding:
- Card or BACs payment issues
- Credit Notes
- Invoices
Information to provide in the contact form
Email Address - Enter your primary contact email address (If you are a Private Centre Coordinator / Head of Centre or Correspondence Contact for a Public Centre Learner, this must be the email associated to your Centre or Learner Entry).
Name - Your name
Centre Code / Centre Name - If you are a registered UK or International Private Centre please provide your six letter Centre Code. Public Centre Customers should detail which Public Centre they are contacting LAMDA about (i.e London, Cambridge, Manchester etc). If you don't have a Centre Code or Centre Name, then you can leave this option blank.
Event I.D (if applicable) - For UK & International Private Centres, the Event I.D is the 5 Digit Number which can be found on ExamTrack in the far left "I.D" column on the "My Sessions" page.
Public Centre Customers (F2F & ROA) - Please provide the relevant dates of the Event that you are contacting LAMDA about.
Nature of Query - Select the most appropriate option from the drop down menu
Subject - Provide a a subject line as you would a regular email
Email - Give as much information and detail as possible to help us resolve your query