What is a Reasonable Adjustment?

Some of our learners have additional needs for taking an exam. A Reasonable Adjustment (RA) can be applied for in order for a learners needs to be taken into account when they take their exam.  A Reasonable Adjustment doesn't change the exam but is designed to make our exams accessible to all Learners.

Types of Reasonable Adjustment vary depending on the needs of the learner, but some examples include: 

  • Additional exam time 
  • Assessment material provide in a large font, Braille, or printed on coloured paper 
  • Sign Language interpreters 

These adjustments do not offer an unfair advantage to the learner, they are about allowing learners who would otherwise be disadvantaged to perform at their best during the exam. 

Applying for a Reasonable Adjustment

You can apply for a Reasonable Adjustment by following the link below, or if you are hosting in a private centre you can use ExamTrack. Applications should be made at least six weeks before the exam date.

Click here to submit a new Reasonable Adjustment Application

Supporting Documentation

Applications for Reasonable Adjustments must include supporting documentation. The type of documentation we need will depend on the type of adjustment the learner requires.


The documentation must include a diagnosis of the difficulties given on the application, the name of the assessor and their qualifications.

  • Visual impairment
    A written statement from a qualified optometrist or signed medical practitioner’s report

  • Dyslexia
    A signed statement from a fully qualified and chartered educational psychologist, someone with a special needs teacher qualification or a school SENCO/specialist teacher

  • Medical and physical difficulties
    A signed medical practitioner’s report or doctor’s note

  • Psychological, neurological, dyspraxia or other learning difficulties
    A signed statement from a fully qualified and chartered educational psychologist, someone with a special needs teacher qualification or a school SENCO/specialist teacher