We always aim to provide the highest level of service to our learners and teachers, but we know that sometimes things go wrong. If you have followed the formal processes, such as an Enquiry About Results and made an appeal, and you find that there is still something you are unsatisfied about. For these situations, we have a process in place for you to make a formal complaint.

Submitting a Complaint

If there is a specific incident that you are concerned about, you should let us know as soon as possible, ideally no later that 15 Working Days from the date of the incident.

To notify LAMDA of your concerns, please submit a "Complaint" ticket to LAMDA.

NB: If you have a complaint in regards to results, please read and follow the Enquiry about Results policy.

Informal Complaints / Feedback

LAMDA will acknowledge your email within 3 Working Days.

The information provided will be passed to the relevant staff members to review and take the relevant actions.

Formal Complaint

LAMDA will acknowledge your email within 3 Working Days and a Lead Investigator will be assigned.

Please provide as much information as possible regarding the incident.

The Investigator will conduct their investigation and provide a written outcome within 15 working days. The Investigator may contact you with additional questions or request for further information. 

If the investigation proves to be more complex, then the Investigator may require additional time before finalising their outcome. If this is the case, they will contact you to inform you, provide an update and extended deadline.

If the investigating manager upholds your complaint, we will make sure that corrective action is taken, doing what we reasonably can to identify all learners effected, make corrections or mitigate the effects to ensure that it doesn’t happen again in the future.